Hardwick Mountain Owners Association

Barboursville, Virginia

Hardwick Mountain Property Owners Association

Minutes of Board Meeting held on 08/26/19 at 5:30 P.M. at the former Montagna residence

Present:  John Barnhill, Kai Dozier, Steve Hovanic, Susan Jammé, Carl Prober

Business Items discussed:

1.) Treasurer’s Report: John presented a very comprehensive but concise report, showing a balance on hand as of 08/26/19 of $51,023.43 (Checking account balance: $8,625.53; Infrastructure Repair Reserve Fund CD’s: $42,397.90). He also noted that the vast majority of property owners are paying their assessments on time.

2.) Board Member Resignation: All present were aware that Mark Hogan had submitted his resignation from the Board several days prior to the meeting. No replacement for him is required, as the By-Laws specify only that the Board be comprised of “not fewer than five” members.

3.) Emergency Vehicle Turnaround Area Road Maintenance: Chad Provo had recently mentioned to Kai and another property owner about the erosion that has occurred on the access road to his property, lot 40 (it is to be noted that years ago, when Whit and Jimmy Harrell bought the property from the previous owners and created the road, the Association agreed to maintain it at the level/quality at which they created it). The Emergency Vehicle Turnaround Area (that was recently created with Firewise grant funds) is also accessed via this same portion of road. Kai has already done some temporary remediation, adding a bit more gravel to the worst-eroded areas. Board members had looked at the area before the meeting and were in agreement that a longer-term solution needs to be considered. For the present, however, both to fulfill the Association’s obligation to the Provos (as noted above) as well as to ensure that emergency vehicles can reliably negotiate the road, it was agreed to have another load or two of gravel (of a larger stone size) applied. Input will be sought from those more experienced in drainage/road maintenance issues to see if additional improvements (e.g., regrading the turnaround area to redistribute water runoff, installation of a culvert, etc.) would be advisable to create a more permanent solution.

4.) Roadside Ditch Maintenance (Riprap): It has been noted that in some areas of the ditches where riprap was added last year, water has started to cut channels around the stones; some repositioning and possibly more material may need to be added after a further evaluation of the problem areas. In addition, the ditch and roadside on the “front” side of the mountain (which is subject to the most extreme erosion) also need some additional material and/or repositioning to create a series of small dams to break up the water flow. A workday will be set to handle this task.

5.) Kai Dozier/Jan Spiers Properties Access: All present were aware that some information had been circulating recently, suggesting that Kai and Jan were planning to develop their large holdings (lots A, B, and C on the east side of Hardwick Mountain), to the consternation and great anxiety of some property owners. Kai shared the 1984 deed from Don Ober to HMPOA, in which Ober deeded the roads to HMPOA but retained the right to use those, and Don Ober’s deeds to Kai and Jan (passing those same rights on to them). He also shared the letter he wrote the HMPOA board in 1999 describing all of this, including his offer to begin paying assessments on the lots purchased - even though that was not required until such time as a residence was built. Kai has stated in the past, and reiterated to the Board that there are no plans for any development. The following is a summary statement he prepared (and forwarded to the Secretary after the meeting) for inclusion into the minutes:

“Since I bought Hardwick Mountain lots 20, 21 in 1979 and began walking the land to the east, Jan and I have always wanted to conserve land and limit development. Beginning in 1986 we ultimately purchased all 70 acres that Don Ober had planned to develop as part of Hardwick Mountain to the east of lots 17-31, along with his deeded rights to use the HMPOA roads. In the process we reduced the number of homes allowed on those 70 acres from 10 to 4. In 1999 we began paying an assessment on the parcels that made up the 70 acres. At that point, with HMPOA board understanding these 3 parcels became part of the Hardwick Mountain subdivision as Don Ober had originally intended and specified in deeds. These parcels were designated Hardwick Mountain lots A, B and C. Our reason for buying this land was to keep it from being developed. While we have the right to sell these lots or build on them, we have no intention of doing either, nor do we have any intention of developing the right of way between lots 30 and 31 that provides access to this property. If we ever change our plans, we would first approach those who own adjoining lots 17 through 31 to see if they wanted to buy the land”.

6.) Distribution of Board Minutes: In an effort to make the Board’s actions as transparent as possible to maintain accountability to all property owners, it was agreed to send a paper copy of Board minutes to those property owners who do not have an email account or internet access and to email the remaining property owners, advising them that the most recent Board minutes are posted on the website.

7.) Firewise Grant: Kai noted that another Firewise grant application for an additional $5000 has been submitted and is currently in the approval phase. Barbara Dulaney has been coordinating this activity, working closely with Chad Stover of the Virginia Department of Forestry. She will apprise the Board when the application is approved and what specific expenditures will be covered. It is to be noted that there is an 8 month “window” after approval during which time expenditures for the neighborhood’s fire safety improvements (primarily fuel mitigation – chipping of debris) must be made. Kai will send out a newsletter with more details once the grant is formally approved.
7.) Officers: As all current officers are willing to continue serving (until next year’s Annual Meeting and Board elections), it was unanimously agreed upon that they remain in their same capacity, namely: Kai Dozier, President; Carl Prober, Vice President; John Barnhill, Treasurer; Steve Hovanic, Secretary.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Hovanic, Secretary


This website and hardwickmountain.org are the property of Kai Dozier.
No Association funds have been used for this site.
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Web Design: Deane's Creative Arts