Hardwick Mountain Owners Association

Barboursville, Virginia

Hardwick Mountain Property Owners Association

Minutes of Board Meeting held on 05/20/2021 at 5:30 P.M.
at the former Montagna residence

Present:  John Barnhill, Kai Dozier, Steve Hovanic, Susan Jammé, Carl Prober

Business Items discussed:

1.) Revisions to Bylaws, Restrictive Covenants, etc.: All Board members realize that quite a bit of in-depth discussion and planning is still needed on this project (far more than can be adequately addressed at this meeting) and therefore, the only action taken was to schedule a work session for Thursday, July 22 at 6:30 P.M. Other work sessions may follow.

2.) Road Maintenance and Driveway Paving: Although the roadways in the subdivision are still in good condition, there are at least two areas showing cracking and drop-off at the road’s edge. Jeff Gray of C & G Paving will be asked to make a visit to evaluate and recommend the best approach for the needed repairs (Jeff was here in October 2020 for this same purpose, but it seems that there has been some more visible deterioration since then). There are also several property owners interested in getting quotes for driveway paving; Jeff will be able to handle those matters, as well.  

3.) Upkeep of Rental Property: Several Board members noted that the grass at one of the rental properties is seldom mowed and presents an unsightly appearance. The owner of the property will be contacted and this matter brought to their attention. It should be noted that a dog from this property had gotten loose a time or two in the past, but once the renter was made aware of the problem, they did what was needed to properly secure their animal. It is hoped that the grass-mowing issue will be resolved as easily.

4.) Dead Tree Removal by Rappahannock Electric Cooperative: There is a dead tree along the road between the Barnhill and Yates homes that Rappahannock has marked and will be taking down. There is also at least one other on a nearby lot (not within the right-of-way easement, however) that is also dead and poses a risk to the power lines if it falls. Rappahannock will be contacted about this one, as well.

5.) FiberLync Internet Update: Cable installation and hookups are still expected to happen sometime next year. Nothing more definitive, schedule-wise, is known at this time.

6.) Large Trucks Turning Around in Driveways: Drivers of large delivery trucks who may not be familiar with the area (or possibly just for convenience) often use driveways for turning around, sometimes resulting in damage to someone’s property (pavement, decorative wall, post, marker, etc.). It is thought that some clear, simple signs directing trucks to both the turnaround area at the end of Hardwick Mountain Drive and to the Emergency Vehicle Turnaround Area may minimize this problem. Since directing such vehicles to the existing turnaround areas could increase traffic in front of the properties nearest them, no action was taken until more residents can voice their opinion. The matter will be addressed at the Annual Meeting.

7.) Blowing Leaves onto Private Property: There was a recent incident in which ditch-clearing leaf-blowing resulted in leaves being deposited onto another owner’s lot. The lot owner requested that leaves not be blown onto their property, and so the operation was suspended. The lot owner will be contacted to see if some sort of reasonable solution can be reached, as the leaves are blown naturally at times, depending upon the wind direction, and, more importantly, the ditches need to be kept as free of leaves as possible to prevent water damming, running over the road and/or undercutting the edges.

8.) Crusher Run Gravel at Roadside Edges: Carl Prober will make a detailed assessment of areas along the roadways that need more gravel added to minimize breakdown of the pavement edges. This information will be shared at the Annual Meeting and possibly a fall work party can be scheduled.   

9.) Firewise/Department of Forestry (Additional Grant Money Available?): A question was raised regarding whether grant money is available to cover the cost for another round of debris removal and chipping. Barbara Dulaney will be contacted with this question; she has had a great deal of interaction with personnel in charge of the Firewise program and will be able to quickly get an answer.

10.) Annual Meeting Date, Format, and Agenda Items: The 2021 Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 17, 2021 from 6:30 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. at the Barboursville Community Park Picnic Shelter. The format will be as usual, with a “bring a dessert” social after the business meeting portion. Items for discussion and/or information updates are as follows:

Treasurer’s Report
Internet Update
Road Maintenance, etc.
Truck Turnaround
Department of Forestry House Number Signs (Information Update)
Dead Tree Removal by Rappahannock

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Hovanic, Secretary


This website and hardwickmountain.org are the property of Kai Dozier.
No Association funds have been used for this site.
©2009 Kai Dozier | All rights reserved.

Web Design: Deane's Creative Arts