Hardwick Mountain Owners Association

Barboursville, Virginia

Hardwick Mountain Property Owners Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes: Jan. 31, 2012

1. Meeting called to order by Kai Dozier, in attendance is Kai Dozier, Steve Harper, Steve Hovanic and Marc Silling.

2. Treasurer’s report was given by Marc Silling, as of 12-21-2011 $12,331 in checking account, with $10,011 in HMPOA, CD account, for a total of $22,343.00. The HMPOA has a total of 7 owners that are not up to date with assessments the total of over due assessments is $1,971.03. Discussion regarding collections was brought up by Marc, several ideas were discussed one being sitting a dollar amount before collections begin. Marc pointed out that would be unfair, since we have some lot owners that are paying less for undeveloped lots, and they could go longer before hitting a determined limit. It was decided that for now we will send out letters for reminding owners that they are due and that a collection process will take place. If that does not work, then we will start the collection process by filing in small claims court which is more cost effective or using an attorney depending on a case by case bases.

3. Subject of Road Care. Last year the subject of installing containers of sand along the road was decided but with warm weather that was never done. Now that we are in the middle of winter, Kai suggested we take care of that. Small water tight containers are to be bought, and bags of sand placed in them and these containers are to be placed along the road in areas of concern during the winter. Kai was going to go ahead and get these and have them installed. Kai also was asking for anyone to call Mr. Larson for snow removal when needed. It was suggested to ask Barbara Dulaney if this was something she could do. Kai agreed to call her and ask.

4. Kai stated that the Association’s attorney Henry Carter is retiring and that we will need to find someone else to represent the association’s needs. Kai was going to call Mr. Carter and ask for a referral and report back later.

5. The request for a light at the mailboxes was brought back up in a follow up from last year meetings. It was decided that we would not move ahead with this issue. Most believe the use of car lights provide enough lighting for getting into and out of the mail boxes.

6. Subject of Mail box keys was brought up. No one knew if the keys had been handed out yet. Kai was going to check with Barbara and follow up.

7. Tree trimming was also brought up. But with the recent trimming with the power company most issues have been taken care of.

This website and hardwickmountain.org are the property of Kai Dozier.
No Association funds have been used for this site.
©2009 Kai Dozier | All rights reserved.

Web Design: Deane's Creative Arts