Hardwick Mountain Owners Association

Barboursville, Virginia

Hardwick Mountain Property Owners Association
Annual Meeting

June 22, 2008

  1. Meeting brought to order by Kai Dozier. Introductions were made, Ben and Michaela Harper were there as new lot owners this year. Also in attendance was Larry and Janet Clark, Charles and Barbara Dulaney and their daughter Crystal (who helped count the ballots), Kai Dozier and Jan Spiers, Steve and Deb Harper, Britney Harper (guest), Steve Hovanic, Susan Jamme, Larry and Gena Keller, Allen Miller, Dom and Amelia Montagna, Allyne Mundy and Denise Yetzer.

  2. Treasurer report was given by Larry Clark. Current balance HMPOA has on hand is $17,082.26. A detail report was handed out which gives details of all expenses this year. It is projected that by next year we will have around $32,000 available for road use. The 10% increases each year are helping the association stay on target with road funds

  3. Kai reviewed last year and went over past meetings that were open meetings to anyone that wanted to come. Meetings were held 08 20 07, at the B-ville shelter, 12 20 07 meeting was held to discuss delinquent assessments, and 04 29 08 at the B-shelter which was also a open meeting, fire safety and work party plans were discussed. Roads were the biggest topic, VDOT was contacted and the road systems was reviewed, it has become the conclusion that VDOT would not be able to take over the roads within the subdivision due to steep grades and narrow right away. That option has been taken off the table, and we must focus on maintaining what we have with what we got. Delinquent assessments was discussed and that the board has taken steps to contact Henry Carter to deal with certain lot owners that were not willing to work with the board in paying their assessments. Allyne brought up the issue that she was behind and was concerned what action the board would be taking against her. Kai stress to her that we were only taking action against those that have choose not to pay and are not willing to work with the board, and stated that she was working with us and in good standing and no action was planned. Also Kai stated that all other issues regarding the assessments have been resolved and no action planned at this time. It has been brought to the board�s attention that an access road has been developed across the Berry�s lot to Rod Slayton�s land; Henry Carter was asked his opinion on this issue also. He stated that this needs to be address and closed down or the association risks having this happen again with other lots and we would lose the availability to enforce the rules in the future due to setting an precedence. Since other lots join bigger tracks of land it is feared that others may try to do the same and this would stress our road system even more. No vote was taken but most agreed. Kai discussed the work party that was held in May and thanked those that help spread the several tons of gravel along the edge of Turkey ridge road and Chestnut Lane.

  4. Placing a light down by the mail boxes was brought up. Denise Yetzer had done some research on the cost. If the power company can use an existing pole and transformer it would cost $9.18 per month to maintain a street type light. Also some concerns of the impact on local neighbors was brought up and suggested that we contact them and get their opinion. Currently there is no pole close by but once power is ran down to the new house that may change. A motion was passed to vote on idea by show of hands 12 were in favor and 0 were against. About 5 did not care one way or the other. The board will take this matter up at a later date.

  5. Discussion was done on repaving the front side with asphalt Kai showed photos of the broken road edge and the need to get these repairs done at soon at possible. Asphalt runs about 10% higher in cost, and seems to last longer. As funds become available the board will seek the contracts to have this work done. Since Turkey Ridge, Double Top and Chestnut lane are already done in asphalt the only focus will be the back side of Hardwick Mtn drive and the front side (south side) of Hardwick Mtn drive. Kai stated that one major concern on the south side is the steep grade and the need to keep heavy trucks off this while the asphalt cured. Any heavy truck going down or up would cause waves giving a wash board effect. This may have to be done in cooler weather during the fall. The board will be reviewing the options on this during the year.

  6. Ed Furlow of the Virginia Dept of Forestry along with Randy Williams the fire chief of Barboursville Vol fire dept came by and addressed the members regarding fire safety and the impact of fire in our area. A brochure was mailed out last spring that addresses several things a homeowner can do to reduce the effect of fire in the area such as removing brush and trees up against the house. Removing fuel for fire on the property and around the house. The fact that the roads are steep and narrow can slow the response time for the fire department and the lack of water was also a major issue. It was suggested that we come up with some kind of exit off the mountain in case a fire would come up the front side of subdivision. The board will discuss the options in doing this which will include using the end of the right of way at the end of Double Top that is up against Rod Slayton�s land and road. The overall advice is to take preventive measures in fire prevention since any out break of fire on Hardwick Mountain would be hard to deal with and would cause a great deal of damage. If a dangerous situation is in process it is encouraged that a phone call to 911 be made to report the problem and that a person will be sent to investigate. We were reminded that the burn law is in effect February 15 to April 30th and that you can burn only between 4 PM and 12 midnight. All other times the fire must be out.

  7. Floor was open for other business no other issues were brought up.

  8. The ballots were counted and the same Board members Kai Dozier, Steve Hovanic, Larry Clark, Dense Yetzer and Steve Harper will remain on the board of directors.

  9. Meeting adjourned and food brought out for a super BBQ. Thanks to all who brought a dish the food was out standing this year. All seem to have a good time visiting and chatting with neighbors and catching up.

Click here for a downloadable Word document: HMPOA Annual Meeting: June 22, 2008

This website and hardwickmountain.org are the property of Kai Dozier.
No Association funds have been used for this site.
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