Hardwick Mountain Owners Association

Barboursville, Virginia

Hardwick Mountain Property Owners Association
Annual Meeting

June 16, 2016

Annual Meeting held 06/16/16 at 6:30 P.M. at the Barboursville Community Park Picnic Shelter

Kai Dozier, President, opened the meeting with a welcome as well as a brief outline of the meeting’s agenda.

1.) Treasurer’s Report: Jeremy Cole, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s report that showed a checking account balance as of 06/16/16 of $18,005.46 Jeremy noted that if all current assessments are paid on time, the projected balance as of 07/01/16 would be $25,266.96.

2.) President’s Summary:

Firewise Community Update: Kai outlined the three major aspects of the Firewise Community program (fuel mitigation, on-site water storage, and emergency vehicle access) and the current status of the activities needed to achieve them. He noted that Virginia Department of Forestry grants in the amount of $19,500 have covered the vast bulk of the costs associated with these projects. Much debris was chipped and disposed of last summer (although fuel mitigation is an ongoing activity that must be monitored and maintained continually), the underground water vault (situated on the turnaround near both Cole properties) is complete and functional, and the turnaround to accommodate large emergency vehicles at the Whit Harrell property has also been completed. Should a fire arise, the Hardwick Mountain community will be much better prepared to deal with it now that these enhancements are in place. An additional benefit is that the removal of some pine trees along Hardwick Mountain Drive on the “front” side of the mountain allows more sunlight and facilitates ice and snow melt in the winter.

3.) Miscellaneous New Business: Other new business items discussed were as follows:

a.) Roadside Gravel Replenishment: Marc Cole noted that the roadside gravel that was added a few years ago needs replenishing. This material serves to support the road edges and prevents damage when vehicles, heavy ones in particular, run off the edges. Marc is serving as foreman for the work party that will be needed to spread and distribute the material. He will consult with residents who have tractors and four-wheelers and schedule some work Saturdays (probably more than one will be necessary…virtually all the roadsides that had gravel added will have to be resupplied) to get this maintenance activity completed during the summer.
b.) “Dead End” Sign:  The Loveteres had previously asked the Board to consider creating a turnaround at the end of Chestnut Lane. As it is a dead end, vehicles often turn around there, backing into their driveway and they are concerned that sooner or later their fence will be hit. Because of the manner in which the original survey was done, it is not clear exactly where the Association right-of-way, the Lovetere property line, and the Memery property line (not part of Hardwick Mountain) lie. Rather than proceeding with a costly survey, the Loveteres have requested, instead, just to have a sign erected at the head of Chestnut Lane advising that it is a dead end. The Board will determine the most appropriate signage and see that it is installed. In addition, when the Roadside Gravel Replenishment project is underway, some gravel will be added where a turnaround would go. Although not a large enough area to be a bona fide turnaround, the additional gravel will still be beneficial, as some vehicles will undoubtedly still have to turn around there.

c.) Cigarette Butts: Janet Clark mentioned that she and Larry have seen fewer cigarette butts along the roadsides than in the past. All agreed that this is certainly good news, as the fire danger caused by an unextinguished cigarette can wreak havoc in the community, especially during dry or windy periods.

d.) O’Neill Home for Sale: Kai noted that the O’Neill home (lot 6) is now for sale at a price of $249,900.

e.) Hardwick Mountain Sign: Steve Harper noted that the sign at the base of the mountain has weathered considerably and needs to be refinished. He requested that the Board take steps to get this done but cautioned that it be done properly and professionally, as the sign is constructed of redwood and needs to be painted/coated with an appropriate finish for long life.
4.) Board Membership Election Results: Susan Jammé announced the results of voting for Board membership for the upcoming year as follows: Jeremy Cole, Kai Dozier, Mark Hogan, Steve Hovanic, Susan Jammé, Carl Prober (i.e., all existing Board members will continue to serve).

 As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned. A time of dessert refreshments followed.    

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Hovanic, Secretary

Click here for a downloadable Word document: HMPOA Annual Meeting: June 16, 2016

This website and hardwickmountain.org are the property of Kai Dozier.
No Association funds have been used for this site.
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