Hardwick Mountain Owners Association

Barboursville, Virginia

Hardwick Mountain Property Owners Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes: March 17, 2015

Present: Kai Dozier, Barbara Dulaney, Steve Harper, Steve Hovanic, Carl Prober

Treasurer’s Report: Barbara presented a summary as follows:
a.) All lot assessments for the last six months of 2014 have been paid; there are no assessment payments due at the present time.
b.) Checking account posted balance as of 03/13/15: $13,723.55 (Note: actual balance is reduced by uncleared checks of $600.00, $300.00, and $50.23).

Treasurer Position: As Barbara had previously announced her intention to resign from the Board as of June 30, 2015, considerable discussion was held regarding how the Treasurer function might be handled. The two most obvious options, both of which have been discussed to some extent in the past are the following:

a.) a Hardwick Mountain property owner who would be elected to the Board and be willing serve as Treasurer while on the Board
b.) an outside source who would perform the Treasurer function for a fee.

Some contacts have been made in the past with individuals for option b.), but to date, none has proven viable. Nevertheless, it was agreed to still pursue this approach; any Board member is encouraged to contact anyone they are aware of who might consider part-time bookkeeping or who currently does this for any local business. The primary approach, however, is still to engage a suitably-qualified, willing Hardwick Mountain property owner to serve on the Board in this capacity. Steve Harper agreed to contact three or four individuals who would appear to be most suited for this position.

There was even a suggestion by Barbara that possibly the task could be shared by all the members of the Board; for the present, at least, this option will not be pursued.

Board Membership/ Voting: It was noted that the ballot format usually employed at the Annual Meeting (in which existing Board members’ names are highlighted in the list of all property owners) does not convey the intent or desire of someone who is currently not a Board member, but who may wish to serve. Toward that end, a communication to all property owners will be made prior to the Annual Meeting encouraging anyone who might wish to serve to make their feeling known to the Board so that the ballot may reflect this.

Annual Meeting: It was tentatively agreed to hold the 2015 Annual Meeting at the Barboursville Community Park Picnic Shelter in June as a weekday evening dessert-style meeting. Kai will contact Orange County Parks and Recreation personnel to determine which days would be available. He will report back to the Board so that a firm date can be set.

Properties in Transition: Kai mentioned the status of some properties in transition of one type or another:
1. Whitt Harrell: property (lot 40 with home) for sale
2. Mark & Peggy Knight: have moved out, status of property unclear
3. John & Cindy Barnhill: addition nearing completion
4. Brian O’Neill: intends to build garage, preliminary plans forwarded to Board via Kai

No action was taken on O’Neill’s request; neighbors affected by the proposed structure will be polled as a courtesy before proceeding further.

 Montagna Lane Culvert: Steve had previously brought to Kai’s attention the damaged condition of this particular culvert. Over the years large vehicles, when turning in or backing up, have “rounded off” the turn onto Montagna Lane, crushing the ends of the culvert. Steve had once before opened up the culvert somewhat so that it could drain a bit better, but it was recently damaged even further by a delivery vehicle going to the Barnhill property. It was decided to replace it with a longer unit and improved grading to minimize the possibility of future damage. Barbara will contact several businesses and get quotes before proceeding. There is still the option, if the Board feels that any quoted prices are too high, that the job could be handled by some of the residents, assuming that a backhoe can be located. 

Firewise Community, Department of Forestry: Barbara reported that she had spoken with Jim Funk of the Virginia Department of Forestry as well a representative of the Barboursville Volunteer Fire Company regarding many of the emergency response and fire-related safety issues that are somewhat unique to subdivisions and communities with topography similar to Hardwick Mountain. Matters such as water availability on-site, subdivision road widths, turnaround areas for firefighting equipment, individual homeowner fire preparedness, and issues associated with hilly wooded terrain, etc. all need to be considered. If there is a certain minimum level of community participation, matching grant money is available for debris removal and clean-up, as well as the possibility of funds for installation of an underground water storage tank. Because of the vast amount of material Barbara had received and the many aspects of the Firewise Community program, it was felt that the best way to generate interest in such projects was to simply provide a brief, concise report to the residents. Kai will prepare a summary of the present status of Hardwick Mountain fire risks and how The Virginia Department of Forestry, Barboursville Volunteer Fire Company (including Rescue Squad), and the residents of Hardwick Mountain can all work in concert  to minimize such risks and make for a safer neighborhood.
Winter Driving/Parking Issues: As there were several instances of vehicles sliding off the steep front side of the mountain on the snowy/icy surface this past winter, Kai reported that he is preparing an informative reminder on safe winter driving for all the residents. Along with using extreme caution when driving, particularly on the front side of the mountain, residents are encouraged, when parking at the mailbox area before or during winter storm events, to leave adequate space for mail and paper deliveries.

Communications Tower: Kai reported, as a point of information, that a 199 foot tall, lighted communications tower is being proposed for installation on the Barboursville Volunteer Fire Company property. The matter is scheduled to come before the Orange County Planning Commission on March 19, 2015.

Serial Renting: Kai reported on the burgeoning popularity of the AirBnB network of short-term rental properties and the issues that communities are faced with in regulating them. The Board took no action but all agreed that the matter may, at some point, affect Hardwick Mountain and should be dealt with proactively.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Hovanic, Secretary

This website and hardwickmountain.org are the property of Kai Dozier.
No Association funds have been used for this site.
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